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Strategies for Planning Outings or Vacations While Considering TBI Related Needs

Research and choose appropriate destinations

There are destinations that offer accessible accommodations and transportation. Look for places with quieter environments and fewer crowds to minimize sensory overload

Plan for adequate rest and breaks

Allow for regular breaks during activities to prevent fatigue and manage potential cognitive challenges. Consider the duration and intensity of activities and allow time for rest in between.

Create a structured itinerary. Develop a well-organized schedule that includes clearinstructions and reminders.

This can help individuals with TBI stay oriented and reduce anxiety. Ensure there is flexibility in the schedule to accommodate unexpected changes or setbacks.

Communicate with travel companions

Inform your travel companions about the specific needs related to TBI. Discuss any modifications or accommodations that may be required and ensure everyone is aware of safety precaution.

Pack essential items

Necessary medications, medical records, and any assistive devices or aids that may be required during the trip. Don’t forget to bring any comfort items that help manage stress or promote relaxation.

Consider transportation options

Evaluate the most suitable means of transportation based on individual needs. Air travel may require additional planning and communication with the airline to ensure a smooth experience. For road trips, plan frequent stops for breaks and include comfortable seating arrangements.

Engage in familiar activities

Incorporate activities that the individual with TBI is familiar and comfortable with. This can help reduce anxiety and provide a sense of familiarity during the trip.

Seek assistance and support

Contact organizations or support groups that specialize in assisting individuals with tbi. They may offer resources, guidance, or recommendations for accessible destinations and activities.

Amy Roberts

Amy Roberts


Amy Roberts is a dedicated individual with a diverse background in healthcare and education. As a former Recreational Therapist, she has helped individuals of all abilities discover the joy of leisure activities as a means of promoting well-being. Her experience as a Special Education Teacher has equipped her with valuable skills in creating inclusive learning environments and supporting students with diverse needs. Amy has also served as a trainer, sharing her expertise and knowledge with others in the field. In addition, she has been a devoted caregiver for her spouse who suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI), supporting and navigating the challenges that come with such a role. Amy’s unwavering commitment to improving the lives of others serves as an inspiration to all those who have the privilege of crossing paths with her.

The Brain Injury Association of Tennessee (BIAT) is an awareness and advocacy organization dedicated to improving the lives of TBI survivors and their caregivers.

BIAT does not provide medical diagnoses, treatments, or advice. All medical treatments should be discussed with your provider.