Free Webinar – Finding the Right Mental Health Professional
An affiliate of the Brain Injury Association of America
Call 800-444-6443 for assistance (M-F, 8am–6pm)
Nothing can prepare you for navigating a brain injury. But walking with others who have similar experiences can ease the burden of the journey.
Service coordinators can connect you with an in-person or virtual support group, or you can join a group hosted by Brain Injury Association of Tennessee.
The Tri-Cities area support group meets the third Thursday of each month at the Crumley House.
The Chattanooga area support group meets in conjunction with the statewide virtual support group on Tuesdays
The Jackson area support group meets in conjunction with the statewide virtual support group on Tuesdays.
The Knoxville regional support group meets on the first Monday of each month with the exception of holidays. Currently the group meets virtually.
The Memphis area support group is not currently meeting in-person, but survivors and their caretakers are encouraged to meet in conjunction with the statewide virtual support group on Tuesdays
The Murfreesboro area support group meets in conjunction with the statewide virtual support group on Tuesdays.