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An affiliate of the Brain Injury Association of America
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If you split the brain down the middle, into two equally-sized parts, they are not the same and do not carry the same functions.
The left side of the brain controls the right side of the body, while the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body.
Each side is responsible for different functions.
General patterns of dysfunction may occur depending on the side of the brain sustaining an injury.
The left side of the brain is analytical, logical and literal.
The right side of the brain is creative, imaginative and intuitive.
The brain is also made up of sections called lobes.
Injuries to a brain lobe can also cause patterns of dysfunction.
An injury to the frontal lobes may affect an individual’s ability to control emotions, impulses, and behavior or may cause difficulty recalling events or speaking.
Individuals who have injured their parietal lobes may have trouble with their five primary senses.
An injury to one’s occipital lobes may lead to trouble seeing or perceiving the size and shape of objects.
An injury to the temporal lobes may lead individuals to demonstrate difficulty with communication or memory.
An injury to the cerebellum may affect balance, movement, and coordination.
To learn more about brain injury, please visit Brain Injury Association of America.